Friday, June 3, 2011

Awesome Training Weekend

I'm finally feeling back in the training groove and feeling like I can start to see pay offs.

- Ran speed drills last night and was actually picking up my feet!  I am a notorious shuffler when I run, and last night felt like my hammies and glutes were actually communicating with my quads and calves.  Inordinately excited about this.
- Ran bridge repeats on Tuesday.  While it was tough (humid and major car exhaust) I really enjoyed it.  I never used to feel like I could really push myself, and I am gaining so much confidence in my abilities.  It was so fun to huff and puff my way up the bridge.  Plus, I recover more quickly now which I think also helps a lot!
- I did my longest ride of the season so far, 32 miles, last Sunday.  I was able to keep my speed up and my legs felt great the whole time.  Happy day!
-  I spent my day off on Monday relaxing and putting new plants on our porch.  I've now got basil, a creeping fig, sage and seeds planted for cilantro and oregano.
- Bondi Band is also sending me a headband to review AND one to give away, so stay tuned for that!  (I'm wearing my "Wanna race?" Bondi Band in the pic below!)

Post-run, pre-sunset on Sunset Cliffs
So this is short, but happy Friday everyone!  Hope everyone has a great weekend of training and relaxation!


  1. Nice job on the speed work and hill repeats! I need to run hills more. You are definitely back in the grove with those workouts - keep it up!

  2. That's a great picture of you! I saw it on your DM profile and loved it. Glad you're getting back in the groove and feeling strong!

  3. what a happy photo! I finally got my flowers in this weekend : )
